Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Manna From Heaven!

The doors opened at 9am sharp. After almost two years of closure, the day had finally come and excitement was in the air. No longer called a library it had become a Discovery Centre and I was amongst hundreds of people desperate to find out more. For once I didn't mind being elbowed and shoved aside by pensioners keen to use their loyalty cards and get a free cuppa. With a big smile on my face I let two of them pass before my patience ran out. Then I joined the rest of the mob and threw myself forward keen to get my hands on the latest books, cd's and whatever else I could get my hands on.

Over £300,000 had been spent on new stock and looking round it had been well spent. I knew I had to get a copy of Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol for my English course, but got sidetracked by the Nintendo Wii games. Half an hour later I find out that the two copies that were sitting on the shelf had just been taken out. I'll probably discover who's got them tommorow when I go to college. Bloody typical.

For a budding writer and avid bookworm this place is like manna from heaven to me. It had been painful to pass by the library while the major renovation work has been going on. Now I can go there to study, read and drink coffee. My hometown of Winchester so needed this place and judging by all the animated expressions on everyone's face they all agree too.

I now have six books to keep me quiet for a bit, some Salsa cd's and a Nintendo Wii game to keep Alex occupied while I enjoy some 'me' time. Fan bloody tastic or wot!!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

A Covert Operation.

Bought Alex's main Christmas present today. A 26inch LCD Television. Bless him he's dropped enough hints about it. Like conveniently leaving the Argos catalogue open with arrows pointing at the one he wants. Or getting out the tape measure putting it on our old TV and saying '26inches'. I've given him the impression that I can't afford it. Umming and aahing and trying to divert his attention to the cheaper ones. Got a look of disgust from him when I pointed at the 15 inch sets.
Anyway, Ive been saving hard for those extra few inches and today I could finally afford it.

The traffic was manic in town with all car parks full, decided to park in the local council car park instead. It's a bit of a walk to the Argos store but, I was hungry at the time. Getting a hot sausage roll was crucial, otherwise I'd have collapsed in a sobbing heap through starvation. (I get like that when I'm hungry!) Typically it was pouring with rain and with the umbrella safetly at home I hurried along to the shop my neatly styled hair now hanging in rats tails.

Once I'd paid for it the problem arose of how to get it back to the car, carrying it was out of the question, so the staff at the shop agreed to lend me their trolley to transport it there. Pushing a squeaky wheeled trolley over cobbled streets ain't funny in the rain. People could hear me coming long before they saw me, getting out of the way before I had a chance to ram them in the back of the legs and blame the trolley's bad steering.

Not being able to hide the TV at home, I had to battle through the traffic again to drop by my brother Gary's place of work. Moving it from my car to his was a huge relief. Once Gary finished work he could hide it at his flat.
With that my little covert operation was complete. Since I've spent all my money on a bloody huge TV we now have beans on toast for dinner. If he complains.....!!

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Christmas is Coming and the Valium's on Special Offer!

With Christmas fast approaching, I know soon I'll have to don the old combat gear and riot shield and face the crowds of frenzied shoppers, all intent on grabbing the latest 'must haves'. I expect to be elbowed, cursed at and trodden on during the rush.

Little old ladies will forget to be polite as they snatch the intended gift I've spent hours looking for from my hands. Body swerving out of sight forgetting their dodgy hip/bad leg problem, they'll use the walking stick they came in with as a weapon. To bash my face in if I dare complain. I shall then take refuge in a cafe in the vain hope of gaining strength through caffiene and copious amounts of sugar.

I shall ask for the latest computer game that my son has requested only to be told its sold out. Begging and pleading and offering sexual services to an ugly male shop assistant wont work, as the old dear before me has already tried and failed.

Picturing the disapointment on my son's face will spur me on and I will become strong and determined forgetting the casual approach I had to begin with. My patience will be tested sorely and I'll take it out on all sales staff I come into contact with. Then I'll feel guilty but only after I leave the shop with my goods all wrapped up neatly and tied with a bow.
Then once home, I'll realise I have nowhere to hide the damn presents as my son has discovered all the usual places. Using a lame excuse to get him out of the house I will attempt to find someplace new. But it will be discovered once my backs turned.

Then I'll sit back exhausted but content that my personal battle has been won for that day. Tommorow it will all begin again. This is Christmas. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

I'm In Heaven!

The new library in town opens at the end of the month. Bout bloody time using the very small temporary libary has been a pain. Basically it's used as a place for the elderly to gather when it's raining. Whatever book I asked for it was either out or not in stock. This new library apparently will have a new stock of books and a coffee shop. Heaven or wot? Being drip fed cappucinos whilst reading means I dont have to be home. Therefore wont have to do housework. Result!

During my English class this week, we discussed Dickens and his fine works. Upon discovering he had ten kids with his wife then decided to shack up with his mistress the topic did get slightly off the subject. Yeah he's was a brilliant writer but did he pay child support for his kids? If not why not? Bastard!

The English language class that I'm doing has really inspired me. With all those amazing words out there waiting to be used the ones that really appeal to me is this: Cheque Enclosed.

More later gotta rush the mince needs sifting.....

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Please Help Out A Confused Woman!

I've been fiddling about with the template of my blog and it seems I've spent half my life trying to brighten it up a bit. Would appreciate any suggestions or tips on how to put in a interesting title. I've noticed many other bloggers have really fab titles with pictures etc. How can i do that to mine. If you let me know I'll be your bestest friend and buy you chocolate!

Friday, 2 November 2007

Where's the bloody car?

I think today was an off day for me. Being a multi tasking expert I can only guess I had a temporary brain storm. This little hiccup has happened before, usually when I've done the weekly food shop at the local supermarket. Laden down with bags my mind is on so many other issues such as 'Will the car make it home on fumes?'. Or 'Will 6 cakes be enough?
As soon as I leave the shop it happens. WHERE DID I PARK THE BLOODY CAR?

The car park is huge, I head off in the direction I THINK the car is, then have a wander round with my trolley pretending I know. It's a nightmare, I curse the fact that my son Alex isn't with me to tell me, then I get panicky and paranoid. Other people start to notice this strange woman mumbling to herself as she's wandering aimlessly about and probably suspect she's about to commit a crime.

After a while I convince myself that someone has nicked the car, then I question the fact. Who would steal it? It's not a Ferrari or an Aston Martin, it's a Ford Fiesta known to me as the Stratchmobile or trusty rust bucket.

I can remember laughing when my Grandparents used to do the same thing. How can you lose your car, isn't it big enough to see?
Now I understand how they felt, I did find my car eventually, and can't remember parking it in that particular place. Shoving my shopping on the back seat I returned the trolley back to the trolley park instead of leaving it abandoned like I've done in the past. Why did I do that, I question myself....guilt. My paranoia has made me feel guilty and I've already caused a scene. Best behave return the trolley and get the hell out of there. So I did!