Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Manna From Heaven!

The doors opened at 9am sharp. After almost two years of closure, the day had finally come and excitement was in the air. No longer called a library it had become a Discovery Centre and I was amongst hundreds of people desperate to find out more. For once I didn't mind being elbowed and shoved aside by pensioners keen to use their loyalty cards and get a free cuppa. With a big smile on my face I let two of them pass before my patience ran out. Then I joined the rest of the mob and threw myself forward keen to get my hands on the latest books, cd's and whatever else I could get my hands on.

Over £300,000 had been spent on new stock and looking round it had been well spent. I knew I had to get a copy of Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol for my English course, but got sidetracked by the Nintendo Wii games. Half an hour later I find out that the two copies that were sitting on the shelf had just been taken out. I'll probably discover who's got them tommorow when I go to college. Bloody typical.

For a budding writer and avid bookworm this place is like manna from heaven to me. It had been painful to pass by the library while the major renovation work has been going on. Now I can go there to study, read and drink coffee. My hometown of Winchester so needed this place and judging by all the animated expressions on everyone's face they all agree too.

I now have six books to keep me quiet for a bit, some Salsa cd's and a Nintendo Wii game to keep Alex occupied while I enjoy some 'me' time. Fan bloody tastic or wot!!


Anonymous said...

Well done.
But what Wii game did you get Alex? You can't just leave me hanging like that.

I tried to get Guitar Hero for Wii last week -- all sold out.


Hayley said...

Sorry didn't mean to leave you in suspense how wicked of me. Tee hee! I got him Mario Party 8 and according to the blurb on the back it's the wildest party ever!

Nunhead Mum of One said...

I love libraries but always feel the urge to run round screaming - I'm not good with silence so I tend to go when it's busy with school children!

Reed said...

I reviewed your blog the other day, and I just have to tell you personally how much I enjoy reading it! You inspired one of my recent posts about why I love the UK. Thanks for the laughs and inspiration! ~Kadi

Hayley said...

Thanks for the comments i do appreciate it. Glad to be an inspiration my pleasure. Am really chuffed now. Blush!