A Covert Operation.
Bought Alex's main Christmas present today. A 26inch LCD Television. Bless him he's dropped enough hints about it. Like conveniently leaving the Argos catalogue open with arrows pointing at the one he wants. Or getting out the tape measure putting it on our old TV and saying '26inches'. I've given him the impression that I can't afford it. Umming and aahing and trying to divert his attention to the cheaper ones. Got a look of disgust from him when I pointed at the 15 inch sets.
Anyway, Ive been saving hard for those extra few inches and today I could finally afford it.
The traffic was manic in town with all car parks full, decided to park in the local council car park instead. It's a bit of a walk to the Argos store but, I was hungry at the time. Getting a hot sausage roll was crucial, otherwise I'd have collapsed in a sobbing heap through starvation. (I get like that when I'm hungry!) Typically it was pouring with rain and with the umbrella safetly at home I hurried along to the shop my neatly styled hair now hanging in rats tails.
Once I'd paid for it the problem arose of how to get it back to the car, carrying it was out of the question, so the staff at the shop agreed to lend me their trolley to transport it there. Pushing a squeaky wheeled trolley over cobbled streets ain't funny in the rain. People could hear me coming long before they saw me, getting out of the way before I had a chance to ram them in the back of the legs and blame the trolley's bad steering.
Not being able to hide the TV at home, I had to battle through the traffic again to drop by my brother Gary's place of work. Moving it from my car to his was a huge relief. Once Gary finished work he could hide it at his flat.
With that my little covert operation was complete. Since I've spent all my money on a bloody huge TV we now have beans on toast for dinner. If he complains.....!!
How great! You know he will probably scream when he sees it!
Probably. Makes it all worthwhile when you see their faces when they open the presents on Christmas Day.
Oh LOL how can you not get it when he works so hard to let you know what he wants LOL LOL
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