The British Way Of Queuing!
Yes, it's the Sales again. As if our credit cards haven't been crippled enough, off we trot to the shops happily getting into more debt. Why? Because tomorow is another day and there's bargains to be had.
HMV, a scene of complete chaos, people pushing and shoving, a nightmare I thought. After grabbing several DVD'S my heart sank as I joined the back of a very very long queue. I expected to be there ages but the art of queuing in England is notorious. No one DARES to cut in line, if you do it's at your own risk. Comments such as:
'Aint I big enough to see mate?'
'I was here first'. (followed by a loud tut!)
'Oi!' Stop pushing in'.
No English person wants to hear this, as everyone else in the shop stops what they're doing to throw dirty looks in their direction. I wouldn't be surprised if he or she was taken outside by an angry mob and given a right thrashing.
That's why you hear lots of 'Excuse me's' or 'I'm just looking'. It reassures the queuer immediatly and it's then they smile politely leaving the shopper to browse in peace.
I must have apologised to three or four people whilst stood in this queue, what for? All I did was stand there, bumping into people accidently and we all say sorry bloody stupid really. But that's the English for you. If someone knocked me over purposely I'd probably say it then...before smacking them in the mouth..for them to apologise to me....if they could still speak that is!
I can only wonder at these people who queue all night for the Harrod's sales. Little tent, a flask and a great place just eightieth in line. If they needed the loo, there is always someone who would save their place. I can't imagine that in America or am I wrong?
Consequently, I picked up 'My Name is Earl' DVD, needed some insanity after being so damn polite all day.
Oh, it happens here in America too! Some people will do anything for a bargain....including being really rude! I get joy in being overly kind to them...haha!
OHMYGOD! I love the sales, my favourite part of the year. I can't be doing with queues though. You can get great deals online now.
Hi - great blog. I love the way we Brits 'inform' other people that they've jumped the queue - generally seething silently and hoping that the errant queue-er picks up the negative vibes. Here in the US I have generally seen people more open about pointing out where the "line" is but it's done in a less angry way - the assumption being that the person couldn't possible have meant to be that rude. That could all be a show though.
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