Wednesday, 26 September 2007

A Lesson in Learning!

Went to my English class today, am meeting some lovely people from all walks of life. Lucy for example works with autistic children in a school in Southampton. She's so funny and her work is incredibly rewarding. Doing this course for her means she can work with them in the classroom rather than being tucked away in the office. As well as English she's doing Maths and Science and holding down a full time job. There's multi tasking for you.

Linda is a mum of four her eldest has just left university and she's at a time in her life when she wants to do something for herself. Know how that feels!
Sharing our little dreams and ambitions with others is so positive, in just two lessons I've been given so much encouragement with regard to my writing that I feel I can write a best selling novel thats up for the Booker Prize. (please). Nicky the tutor is brilliant and the class is lively and fun to be in.

Have been given homework to do which must be original and around 1000 words, can't wait to get stuck in. Bit ironic last time I got homework was in 1986, back then was more interested in snogging the face of Dean Gelson than actually doing the work. How times change. Wonder what happened to him anyway.



hi there!

great that you're moving towards making your dream come true!

hope to see your book on the stands, one day. in the not so distant future!

All the best!

Maria said...

Your post about your class has made me all crazy to finish my degree. I've only four papers to do, imagine, and I've let my studies drift for the longest time! Thanks for the inspiration.

Hayley said...

My pleasure glad to be of help. I'm thinking of doing an Open University course next year have an image of me in a cap and gown. Who knows may happen!

Good luck with your studies.

Hayley said...


Sooner rather later that I hope.
Really appreciate all your kind words.