Thursday, 27 December 2007

The British Way Of Queuing!

Yes, it's the Sales again. As if our credit cards haven't been crippled enough, off we trot to the shops happily getting into more debt. Why? Because tomorow is another day and there's bargains to be had.

HMV, a scene of complete chaos, people pushing and shoving, a nightmare I thought. After grabbing several DVD'S my heart sank as I joined the back of a very very long queue. I expected to be there ages but the art of queuing in England is notorious. No one DARES to cut in line, if you do it's at your own risk. Comments such as:

'Aint I big enough to see mate?'
'I was here first'. (followed by a loud tut!)
'Oi!' Stop pushing in'.

No English person wants to hear this, as everyone else in the shop stops what they're doing to throw dirty looks in their direction. I wouldn't be surprised if he or she was taken outside by an angry mob and given a right thrashing.
That's why you hear lots of 'Excuse me's' or 'I'm just looking'. It reassures the queuer immediatly and it's then they smile politely leaving the shopper to browse in peace.

I must have apologised to three or four people whilst stood in this queue, what for? All I did was stand there, bumping into people accidently and we all say sorry bloody stupid really. But that's the English for you. If someone knocked me over purposely I'd probably say it then...before smacking them in the mouth..for them to apologise to me....if they could still speak that is!

I can only wonder at these people who queue all night for the Harrod's sales. Little tent, a flask and a great place just eightieth in line. If they needed the loo, there is always someone who would save their place. I can't imagine that in America or am I wrong?

Consequently, I picked up 'My Name is Earl' DVD, needed some insanity after being so damn polite all day.

Wednesday, 26 December 2007

A 26 Inch Christmas!

Christmas Eve, with all of Alex's presents hidden in Gary's car we had to wait till he FINALLY went to sleep. So it was gone one am when I could safely move them and arrange nicely in the lounge.
He's been on and on about this new 26inch TV getting really excited to the point of driving me insane.

As I had to wait so long for him to fall asleep I had one too many glasses of wine, so come 6am wasn't exactly bouncing out of bed with excitement when he crept in to wake me. In fact the pillow was velcroed to my head and I felt like shit.

It was worth the hangover, his face was a picture he loved the TV and all the presents. So the covert operation has come to a successful conclusion.
Did the usual ate loads. Created a town courtesy of My Sims Nintendo Wii. Aren't those games brilliant? I'm always going on about how amazing the graphics are but then again what do I know? All we had as kids was Paddle Tennis.

Anyway must dash, Alex is calling and my immediate presence is required.

See Ya Later.....................
Anyway hope you all had fun, catch ya later.....!!

Saturday, 22 December 2007


Just heard Mariah Carey's song 'All I Want For Christmas', it so reminds me of Alex's very 1st Christmas. Now getting into the christmas spirit with help from a rather fetching bottle of Chablis.

Counting the days...........................hurry up what's Santa got for me...?

Better be good!


Another glass Mmmmm dont mind if I do.

Friday, 21 December 2007

Has The World Ended!?

Did the Christmas shop today, what a nightmare. People seem to forget Christmas is just the ONE day. Do they really need umpteen bags of crisps, boxes and boxes of chocolates or three jars of cranberry sauce? Most of this stuff is wasted anyway. The world hasn't come to a stand still cos the shops are shut for the day.

My local supermarket was the last place I wanted to be, having done my back in last week I had to borrow my Dad's walking stick to hobble around, poking annoying people in the back of the head when they got in the way was the only reason I went in the first place. Had to find something amusing to do.

Now all my cupboards are full. Thank God I don't have to venture out again.
Time to sit back and watch all the festive films that will be on the box. Is the Wizard of Oz on again. Blimey I've only seen it a million times.
Happy Christmas fellow bloggers!

Monday, 10 December 2007

Dinner is Served...But You're Washing Up!

I was banished from my own kitchen today. Not allowed in, not even for a cuppa. My shouted questions through the door were ignored instead I was told to be go away and stop interupting. So I did.

Delicious aromas wafted through the closed door and my stomach rumbled. What was he doing in there? The suspense was killing me but remembering his words of warning I sat it out.
It was hard work, listening to the sounds of clattering plates and wondering what mess the kitchen was in. Low voices could be heard, I guess ringing Nan to ask advice was a good thing. Saved me the trouble of sorting it out later. Alex was cooking me a meal. He had been given a recipe by Nan at the weekend and was intent on getting it right so me poking my nose in would only ruin the surprise.

He came out every now and then to check I was alright (bless)and basically to remind me not to come in. Promises were made and I was sent upstairs to wash my hands.

Ten minutes later, I was called into the kitchen, dinner was finally ready.
He'd set the table and had placed a small candle in the centre which was glowing and creating a cosy atmosphere. As I sat down a plate of Spaghetti Bolognaise was placed in front of me. What do you think?, he said.
Tasting it with him watching me intently, I gave him my honest opinion. It was delicious. His face glowed with pleasure as he watched me eat his fantastic creation.

This was the first time Alex had been left unsupervised in the kitchen, I didn't mind about the onions on the floor, dried spaghetti all over the kitchen surfaces and gravy spilled on the hob. Not then anyway, as soon as dinner was over he was out of the door. Off to play football with his mates.

I sat for a while staring at our empty plates and the glowing candle, treasuring the moment. With a deep sigh, I knew it had to be done. Asking Alex only got me a look of surprise. 'You're joking', he said. I've done all the cooking'.
And now I've done all the washing up, and mopping down.

That's teamwork that is. Isn't it?!

Saturday, 8 December 2007

Spreading the Christmas Cheer!

I've just come back from yet another shopping trip, yes more presents to hide at Gary's place. Alex is staying with his grandparents this weekend so I have a chance to wrap up the gifts without being discovered.
My home town of Winchester is looking very festive, for the past two years we've had a temporary ice rink in the cathedral grounds. It's brilliant and has proved very popular with the locals as you can see.
On Christmas Day I plan to visit the Cathedral to hear the choir sing, I'm not religious but listening to their voices singing so beautifully reminds me of what Christmas is all about. It truly warms the heart and makes the day more special.

All of us do have the occasional gripe about how expensive Christmas is, but it's all worth it when you see the look on the children's faces. I know Alex will be made up when he unwraps the huge TV I got for him. It's occasions like this that you never forget and the memories last forever.

Visiting other people's blogs especially round this festive period is great, Sugar Queen's Dream has made triangular shaped Santa biscuits which look amazing. She can cook for me anytime. A little bit of effort goes a long way. Peace and harmony to her!
I would like to wish all fellow bloggers a peaceful and very Happy Christmas, especially to Sugar Queen, Dulwich Mum, Amy, Not a Granny,Shelli and everyone else on my favorite blogs list. All of you are great and although we may never meet it's great that you have shared parts of your life in this virtual world.

Hugs to you all!

Blimey aren't I getting all sentimental....better have another glass of wine!

Friday, 7 December 2007

John, You're Sunk Mate!

The way things are going in the John Darwin case, I bet this 'missing canoiest' really does wish he had died. That photo taken of him and wife Anne last year certainly has scuppered plans for a sunny retirement in Panama.
That old saying 'What Goes Around, Come's Around', seems appropriate.
As for having amnesia, what a load of crap. Pull the other one mate, it's got bells on.

Wednesday, 5 December 2007

Ebenezer Scrooge is......

One of my assignments for my English class is describing how Ebenezer Scrooge veiwed life in his day. It has to be at least 500 words and I must use the phrases that appear in the adult version of the book. I'm looking forward to describing this tight fisted old bastard. Obviously I can't use 'those' words but it's tempting.

No, I must use 'proper' English and not stoop to derogatory language so using the words, 'he's as tight as a duck's arse', are definitely out. Damn shame.

Tuesday, 27 November 2007

Manna From Heaven!

The doors opened at 9am sharp. After almost two years of closure, the day had finally come and excitement was in the air. No longer called a library it had become a Discovery Centre and I was amongst hundreds of people desperate to find out more. For once I didn't mind being elbowed and shoved aside by pensioners keen to use their loyalty cards and get a free cuppa. With a big smile on my face I let two of them pass before my patience ran out. Then I joined the rest of the mob and threw myself forward keen to get my hands on the latest books, cd's and whatever else I could get my hands on.

Over £300,000 had been spent on new stock and looking round it had been well spent. I knew I had to get a copy of Charles Dicken's Christmas Carol for my English course, but got sidetracked by the Nintendo Wii games. Half an hour later I find out that the two copies that were sitting on the shelf had just been taken out. I'll probably discover who's got them tommorow when I go to college. Bloody typical.

For a budding writer and avid bookworm this place is like manna from heaven to me. It had been painful to pass by the library while the major renovation work has been going on. Now I can go there to study, read and drink coffee. My hometown of Winchester so needed this place and judging by all the animated expressions on everyone's face they all agree too.

I now have six books to keep me quiet for a bit, some Salsa cd's and a Nintendo Wii game to keep Alex occupied while I enjoy some 'me' time. Fan bloody tastic or wot!!

Tuesday, 20 November 2007

A Covert Operation.

Bought Alex's main Christmas present today. A 26inch LCD Television. Bless him he's dropped enough hints about it. Like conveniently leaving the Argos catalogue open with arrows pointing at the one he wants. Or getting out the tape measure putting it on our old TV and saying '26inches'. I've given him the impression that I can't afford it. Umming and aahing and trying to divert his attention to the cheaper ones. Got a look of disgust from him when I pointed at the 15 inch sets.
Anyway, Ive been saving hard for those extra few inches and today I could finally afford it.

The traffic was manic in town with all car parks full, decided to park in the local council car park instead. It's a bit of a walk to the Argos store but, I was hungry at the time. Getting a hot sausage roll was crucial, otherwise I'd have collapsed in a sobbing heap through starvation. (I get like that when I'm hungry!) Typically it was pouring with rain and with the umbrella safetly at home I hurried along to the shop my neatly styled hair now hanging in rats tails.

Once I'd paid for it the problem arose of how to get it back to the car, carrying it was out of the question, so the staff at the shop agreed to lend me their trolley to transport it there. Pushing a squeaky wheeled trolley over cobbled streets ain't funny in the rain. People could hear me coming long before they saw me, getting out of the way before I had a chance to ram them in the back of the legs and blame the trolley's bad steering.

Not being able to hide the TV at home, I had to battle through the traffic again to drop by my brother Gary's place of work. Moving it from my car to his was a huge relief. Once Gary finished work he could hide it at his flat.
With that my little covert operation was complete. Since I've spent all my money on a bloody huge TV we now have beans on toast for dinner. If he complains.....!!

Thursday, 15 November 2007

Christmas is Coming and the Valium's on Special Offer!

With Christmas fast approaching, I know soon I'll have to don the old combat gear and riot shield and face the crowds of frenzied shoppers, all intent on grabbing the latest 'must haves'. I expect to be elbowed, cursed at and trodden on during the rush.

Little old ladies will forget to be polite as they snatch the intended gift I've spent hours looking for from my hands. Body swerving out of sight forgetting their dodgy hip/bad leg problem, they'll use the walking stick they came in with as a weapon. To bash my face in if I dare complain. I shall then take refuge in a cafe in the vain hope of gaining strength through caffiene and copious amounts of sugar.

I shall ask for the latest computer game that my son has requested only to be told its sold out. Begging and pleading and offering sexual services to an ugly male shop assistant wont work, as the old dear before me has already tried and failed.

Picturing the disapointment on my son's face will spur me on and I will become strong and determined forgetting the casual approach I had to begin with. My patience will be tested sorely and I'll take it out on all sales staff I come into contact with. Then I'll feel guilty but only after I leave the shop with my goods all wrapped up neatly and tied with a bow.
Then once home, I'll realise I have nowhere to hide the damn presents as my son has discovered all the usual places. Using a lame excuse to get him out of the house I will attempt to find someplace new. But it will be discovered once my backs turned.

Then I'll sit back exhausted but content that my personal battle has been won for that day. Tommorow it will all begin again. This is Christmas. Happy Holidays!

Thursday, 8 November 2007

I'm In Heaven!

The new library in town opens at the end of the month. Bout bloody time using the very small temporary libary has been a pain. Basically it's used as a place for the elderly to gather when it's raining. Whatever book I asked for it was either out or not in stock. This new library apparently will have a new stock of books and a coffee shop. Heaven or wot? Being drip fed cappucinos whilst reading means I dont have to be home. Therefore wont have to do housework. Result!

During my English class this week, we discussed Dickens and his fine works. Upon discovering he had ten kids with his wife then decided to shack up with his mistress the topic did get slightly off the subject. Yeah he's was a brilliant writer but did he pay child support for his kids? If not why not? Bastard!

The English language class that I'm doing has really inspired me. With all those amazing words out there waiting to be used the ones that really appeal to me is this: Cheque Enclosed.

More later gotta rush the mince needs sifting.....

Sunday, 4 November 2007

Please Help Out A Confused Woman!

I've been fiddling about with the template of my blog and it seems I've spent half my life trying to brighten it up a bit. Would appreciate any suggestions or tips on how to put in a interesting title. I've noticed many other bloggers have really fab titles with pictures etc. How can i do that to mine. If you let me know I'll be your bestest friend and buy you chocolate!

Friday, 2 November 2007

Where's the bloody car?

I think today was an off day for me. Being a multi tasking expert I can only guess I had a temporary brain storm. This little hiccup has happened before, usually when I've done the weekly food shop at the local supermarket. Laden down with bags my mind is on so many other issues such as 'Will the car make it home on fumes?'. Or 'Will 6 cakes be enough?
As soon as I leave the shop it happens. WHERE DID I PARK THE BLOODY CAR?

The car park is huge, I head off in the direction I THINK the car is, then have a wander round with my trolley pretending I know. It's a nightmare, I curse the fact that my son Alex isn't with me to tell me, then I get panicky and paranoid. Other people start to notice this strange woman mumbling to herself as she's wandering aimlessly about and probably suspect she's about to commit a crime.

After a while I convince myself that someone has nicked the car, then I question the fact. Who would steal it? It's not a Ferrari or an Aston Martin, it's a Ford Fiesta known to me as the Stratchmobile or trusty rust bucket.

I can remember laughing when my Grandparents used to do the same thing. How can you lose your car, isn't it big enough to see?
Now I understand how they felt, I did find my car eventually, and can't remember parking it in that particular place. Shoving my shopping on the back seat I returned the trolley back to the trolley park instead of leaving it abandoned like I've done in the past. Why did I do that, I question myself....guilt. My paranoia has made me feel guilty and I've already caused a scene. Best behave return the trolley and get the hell out of there. So I did!

Tuesday, 30 October 2007

Hungry For News!

As much as our dog Ollie hates the postman and anyone else who dares to deliver to our house, recently he's taken a great interest in world events.

So we decided to let him read the paper first.

Friday, 26 October 2007

Just a Haircut please...not the life story.

Just had my haircut at the local hair salon. Looks alright I suppose, if I wear a paper bag over my head and go out under the cover of darkness. What is it about hairdressers and gossip? My local salon thrives on it, they can remember things you told them about three years ago, kinda scary when they relay word for word what you said. I hate that, last thing I want when having a haircut is to talk about why my brother is gay or why my ex boyfriend is such a bastard.

Micki the trainee stylist and as effeminate as Julian Clary on a bad day thinks he's in with a chance, do me a favour mate, fuck off my brother has taste desparate he aint.

During the course of half an hour, I've picked up loads of useless information, Micki suffers from headaches, Claire has split ends that she hates and Vera the dear old lady sitting in the chair next to me is as deaf as a post. I reckon she's putting it on just to avoid the interrogating questions. Wish I'd thought of it.

Sunday, 14 October 2007

Mum and Dad's 65th Birthday in London.

Haven't been to London in ages, living in Hampshire and adopting the country bumpkin way of life you tend to forget the noise and excitement of a busy city. We caught the train to Waterloo which only took an hour, unfortunately it seemed everyone else had the same idea. The train was packed and although I managed to grab a seat I had the misfortune of having to smell an old guy's sweaty armpit for most of the journey.
Being me, I began to chat enthusiastically about deodorants and how wonderful they were, hoping this guy would get the message and stop sharing his sweat so freely.

As soon as we met up with Mum,Dad and Mark we headed for Covent Garden, by this time I'm starving cos I missed breakfast. Once we'd eaten it was nice to catch up on gossip etc and just chill out for a bit over coffee. PJ'S Bar and Grill is highly reccomended!

Mum and Dad were pleased with the presents we gave them and as it was their special day they chose where we would go. Clubbing and touring the strip clubs of Soho were definetly out so we had a wander round Covent Garden then along the Embankment.
I'd decided to wear my new boots and typically didn't break them in beforehand so I'm hobbling along behind everyone trying not to whinge!

We were going to go on the London Eye but the queue was miles too long instead we took in the sights and acted like typical tourists taking pictures of everything.
Mum and Dad were pleased that we were all there and didn't stop smiling all day.
Got home about nine tired but happy.

Friday, 12 October 2007


My dream to have a book published is still a long way off. Helps if I've actually written it but give me some credit I am trying to string sentences together. Anyway I've found a list of people who have had their books originally rejected by publishers.

The Time Machine by HG Wells
The Mysterious Affair at Styles by Agatha Christie
Harry Potter and the Philosopher's Stone by JK Rowling
The Picture of Dorian Gray by Oscar Wilde
Moby Dick by Herman Melville
Northanger Abbey by Jane Austen
The Wind in the Willows by Kenneth Grahame
A Time to Kill by John Grisham
Catch 22 by Joseph Heller
Lord of the Flies by William Golding

Seeing this list makes me feel a bit better then again perhaps not!

Wednesday, 10 October 2007

An Apple for the Teacher!

Celebrated my 38th birthday yesterday with a gut bash at a local restaurant. Bloody lovely it was, especially since my mate Sam paid and drove us home after. Meant I could have a large glass of red wine and dribble down the car window on the way back.

Tomorow is my Mum's birthday, I always like to remind her that having me just two days before is present enough. Sadly this never works now I supposed to be mature and sensible.(!)
Have ordered a bouquet of flowers to be delivered which should cheer her up. My idea of course. If I left it to the men in the family she'd probably get it next Easter.

Looking forward to Saturday, a family get together in London for another gut bash this time in a posh restaurant so we're have to remember not to burp or fart, at least not too loudly. (Better talk to Dad about that!)
Should be good seeing the whole family together again after so long. I've forgotton what big brother Mark looks like.

My homework of last week was marked by my tutor, who said my current work is of grade B standard. If I sorted out the punctuation then it would be raised to a Grade A.
Chuffed to bits I demonstrated my appreciation by dancing a little jig round the coffee machine at break, much to the embarrasment of other students with me. Sod It I don't care I'm happy and at this rate I'll be accused of being a teachers pet.
If thats the case I'd better get her some apples!

Monday, 8 October 2007

The Bus Stop Brigade

The cars been off the road for a week now and using public transport to get to work has been verging on painful, It starts off at the bus stop, same old faces same old conversation. From tommorow I've decided to walk the exercise will do me good and I dont have to listen to this crap! Heres an example between Mr Greasy Couch Potato and Miss Chav.

Greasy: Wheres the fucking bus, I've been here ages.
Chav: I dunno.
Greasy: I've gotta get into town, my turn to cook tonight.
Chav: What ya doin?
Greasy: Well Iceland have got special offers, probably get some grillsteaks or sumthing.
Chav: I luv them, you can get ten for a pound.
Greasy: Thats dinner sorted. Did you see Corrie last night?
Chav: Yeah, That Davids a right bastard aint he?
Greasy: He reminds me of your brother, is he still on tag?
Chav: Yeah, it's pissing im off though.
Greasy: I bet it is, how did he get it?
Chav: Weren't his fault, he just got caught thats all.
Greasy: You pregnant?
Chav: I'm five months gone.
Greasy: Is that your kid there? 'points to a little girl aged around three who's standing nearby'.
Chav: Yeah that's Kayleigh.
Greasy: Here's the bus, bout fucking time.
Kayleigh: Mum the fucking bus is here.
Chav: Shut up, god she's got a mouth on her.
Greasy: Oh bless her.
Chav; Dunno where she fucking gets it from?

Getting on the bus this conversation continues I stare out of the window wishing I was elsewhere, the intelligence level has clearly plummetted. By the time I arrive at my destination, I've heard all about Chav's boyfriend Mr Charmer, who's currently on remand for robbery and all the details of Greasy's stomach trouble. Hardly surprising since he eats crap for dinner.

I'm clearly living the wrong life, give me sanity purlease..!

Monday, 1 October 2007

Cherry on the cake of my day!

I've been a huge fan of Manu Chau for years, his first CD Radio Remba Sound System is one of my favourites. So after five years of waiting for his latest CD to come out I was very keen to hear it.

Called La Radiolina my first impression wasn't good. So many of the tracks are short you just get into it before it cuts off and moves on to the next one. My favourite songs are track 12 La Vida Tombola, track 20 Sone Otro Mundo and track 21 Amalacuda Vida. This CD lacks the excitement that I expect of Manu and I'm gutted.

To add insult to injury I've just discovered he's FINALLY on tour in England at the Brixton Academy from tommorow till 5th October. Would have made a brilliant birthday present if I'd known.
Last time he toured in England was about 5 years back at Shepherds Bush Empire and I bloody missed that too.

I'm now chewing nails and feel utterly pissed off, talk about turning up after the partys over.
Since he hardly tours England I'll probably have to wait years to see him.

Wednesday, 26 September 2007

A Lesson in Learning!

Went to my English class today, am meeting some lovely people from all walks of life. Lucy for example works with autistic children in a school in Southampton. She's so funny and her work is incredibly rewarding. Doing this course for her means she can work with them in the classroom rather than being tucked away in the office. As well as English she's doing Maths and Science and holding down a full time job. There's multi tasking for you.

Linda is a mum of four her eldest has just left university and she's at a time in her life when she wants to do something for herself. Know how that feels!
Sharing our little dreams and ambitions with others is so positive, in just two lessons I've been given so much encouragement with regard to my writing that I feel I can write a best selling novel thats up for the Booker Prize. (please). Nicky the tutor is brilliant and the class is lively and fun to be in.

Have been given homework to do which must be original and around 1000 words, can't wait to get stuck in. Bit ironic last time I got homework was in 1986, back then was more interested in snogging the face of Dean Gelson than actually doing the work. How times change. Wonder what happened to him anyway.

Tuesday, 25 September 2007

Hang in there for tomorrow is another day!

Have been a scrubber today. Not the hawking your patch type I mean cleaning. Other peoples houses. Hate doing it but someone's gotta put food on the table. JK Rowling was a single parent before she hit the jackpot and had money coming out of her ears. If I keep thinking that then it's not so bad being Cinderella.

If Prince Charming shows up now he'll have to take me as he finds me. Or just take me!

Bought a huge jar of Nutella today for a quid, amazing how little things can put a smile on your face. Ho Hum!

Monday, 24 September 2007

That's My Life..!

I saw an old friend from the school the other day. As kids we looked identical and were often mistaken for each other.
Now she's a successful businesswoman living in a huge house with a gorgeous husband. That bitch is living my life!

Sunday, 23 September 2007

We have an Emergency situation here.....

Why is it when I put important documents and the like in a safe place, I can never find them again? I reckon it's payback for all the times I've acted the complete bitch.

Okay I know my car is small and rusty and goes top speed of sixty miles an hour, if I want to hog the middle lane on the motorway I will. Partly as it annoys the hell out of those speed freaks and because I own the bloody road.

Bent over backwards trying to accomodate Alex and his friend last night. Hate sleepovers listening to forced farts and giggles loses it's appeal after several hours.

Am pissed off there's no chocolate in the house. Could go out and get some but that would mean committment and I prefer to sit here and gripe about it. It's the only pleasure I get.

Dont understand all this fuss about Britney Spears. Drug abuse, child neglect, traffic violations. Sounds normal to me.

Friday, 21 September 2007

Have You Seen....?

When my brother moved into his new flat the first thing that I noticed was the neighbour upstairs. A toothless old guy with about as much social graces as a dead slug. His fascination to what went on in other people's homes seemed to be his goal in life, the constant questions on where you were going or what you were doing grated on me as i can't bear nosey old bastards it left me no option but to answer honestly.

What You doing?
Knocking on the door.
What you doing?
Knocking on the door.

Where you going?
This way.
Where you going?
That way.

He's the sort of guy who will say what a nice day it is when its pissing down. Anyway someone nicked his dustbin and did he flip! Banging on doors demanding it back, you would have thought something serious had happened.
Three times in half hour he knocked at my brother's flat I laughed my head off as someone should have buried him in the bloody bin years ago.
He even called the Police who arrived to humour him and generally take the piss. So far the whereabouts of the bin is unknown. Little description to help you. Its green. That should narrow it down a bit.

Thursday, 20 September 2007

Back to School!

I started my English GCSE course yesterday at the local Adult Education Centre, to say I was nervous was an understatement. Tena lady would have made a small profit out of me. In my haste I sat outside the wrong classroom and ended up being the last to arrive which pissed me off. Walking into the RIGHT classroom I saw a sea of serious faces watching me as I sat down. With much paper shuffling and pen fiddling the atmosphere seemed almost tense.

Everyone filled out this short form explaining the reasons why and how this course would benefit us, then Nicky our teacher made us exchange the information with each other. It broke the ice and within five minutes we all cheered up and had a natter learning everyone's names and discovering the various reasons why we were all there.

We played a word game called Call My Bluff, picking a word out of the dictionary and writing four meanings of it. The true one and three other 'bluffs'. Our table which consisted of six people all of various ages picked the word. M'Pret. The true meaning is Ruler of a nation. Our bluffs were a Spanish Dance, A Greek tune and a type of wheat. None of the other tables guessed the true meaning so our table won leaving us feeling quite proud of ourselves.

I'm looking forward to next week's lesson and wish I'd have done this years ago. It's never too late to learn and this time round I'm no longer the snotty nosed schoolgirl that I was back in 1985 who spent most of the lesson scrawling 'I love Simon Le Bon' in block letters on my pencil case and giving the teachers earache when they noticed. Now I have something to acheive I dont just want to pass this course, I want to pass with a distinction. I CAN do this!!

Tuesday, 11 September 2007

Wise Words From Great Uncle Jim!

During the second world war my Great Uncle Jim was a 'spiv' a lovable rogue who always knew how to make a few quid on the side. The type of guy who charmed the knickers of a nun and could always get out of sticky situations with plenty of chat and charm.
I'd told Alex many stories about him and since we hadn't visited him for ages we decided to drop in for a cuppa.
Now 79 years young, Jim has lived in the same house for fifty four years and it's been in the family for about sixty so many memories resurface when visiting.

Their house hasn't been decorated in years reminding me of the times when I visited as a child. One particular day when I was around five I arrived with my Nan (Jim's sister) and asked for a treacle sandwich. Being told they didn't have that sort of thing in their house I was sent out in the garden with an apple and told to make do with that.
Being nosey I investigated the pigeon shed at the bottom of the garden got locked in and consequently got shat on by several pigeons. How the grown ups laughed! And I didn't get to eat the apple!

Anyway Alex was told to be on his best behaviour and sat listening about Jim and his second wife Chris's recent holiday to Guernsey in the Channel Islands.
"What was it like?", Alex had asked politely.
Typical Uncle Jim shook his head and said, "Rubbish", "There was fuck all there" Of course we all fell about laughing, what you see with Jim is what you get. That's what I love about him.

When I remember my 21st Birthday Party he was the first one up on the dance floor grabbing me to do a twirl in front of my mates showing them all how it's done. At the time I was blushing afraid I would trip up but looking back, I'm glad I did it. It was brilliant fun. I asked him what he thought of my new boyfriend who had come to the party. One look confirmed his thoughts. "Don't like him", he said. "His eyes are too close together".

Needless to say, the relationship didn't last.

Sunday, 2 September 2007

Where Memories Are Made!

I thought it was about time I had some nice portraits done of my and my son. So off I wander to the local photographic studio to check out prices etc. Well as soon as I walked in I wanted to walk back out again. Bloody expensive or what. Yeah all the photo's were fantastic but there was no way I could afford £400 for just the one picture in a nice frame. There were cheaper ones of course but the one I really wanted was still out of my price range.

So I opted for taking my own, well that meant getting Gary my brother to take some nice shots in a decent setting.
This morning having dragged Alex out of bed we dolled ourselves up and took several changes of clothes(to change in the car) and hit the local beauty spots.
Alex didn't want any of his mates to see him posing with me so it had to be done with bribery.
An icecream and £5 later we managed to take a few decent shots. I plan to have a few turned into a puzzles, a calendar and framed so they'll make great presents for Nan and Grandad for Christmas. All done at the local Boots chemist!
It was a lot cheaper and we had a right laugh doing it. Okay Gary's no professional photographer but who cares? We were pleased with the results.

Saturday, 1 September 2007


A man is in bed with his wife when there's a knock at the door. He rolls over and looks at the clock. "It's half three in the morning", he grumbles. "I'm not getting out of bed at this time".
Then a louder knock follows.
"Aren't you going to answer that?", his wife says.
So he drags himself out of bed and goes downstairs.
He opens the door and a stranger is standing there. It didn't take take long for the man to figure out the stranger was drunk.
"Hi", says the stranger, "Can you give me a push?"
"No", says the man, "Get lost it's half three in the morning. He slams the door and goes back upstairs and tells his wife.
"Dave that wasn't very nice", his wife says. "Remember that night when we broke down in the pouring rain to pick up the kids from the babysitter? "You had to knock on this man's door to get us started again. What would have happened if he told us to get lost?
"But this man was drunk", said the husband.
"It doesn't matter", the wife said, "It's a christian thing to help him".
So the husband gets up and dressed and goes downstairs again. He opens the door and, not being able to see the stranger anywhere shouts: "Hey do you still want a push?"
He hears a voice cry out "Yes please".
So still unable to see the man he calls, "Where are you?"
And the stranger replies, "Over here on your swing set".

A little kid walks onto a city bus and sits right behind the driver and starts yelling. "If my dad was a bull and my mum a cow then I'd be a little bull".
The driver starts getting mad at the little kid who continues with: "If my dad was an elephant and my mum a girl elephant I would be a little elephant".
The kid goes on with several animals until the bus driver gets angry and yells at the kid. "What if your dad was a drunk and your mum a prostitute?"
The kid smiles and says, "I would be a bus driver".

A horse and a chicken are playing in a meadow. The horse falls into a mud hole and is sinking. He calls to the chicken to go and get the farmer to help pull him to safety. The chicken runs to the farm but the farmer is nowhere to be found. So he drives the farmer's BMW back to the mud hole and ties some rope around the bumper. He then throws the other end to the horse and drives the car forward to save him from sinking.
A few days later the chicken and the horse are playing in the meadow again and the chicken falls into the hole. The horse says, "I think I can stand over the hole". So he stretched over the width of the hole and says, "If you grab hold of my thingy and pull yourself up". And the chicken did and pulled himself to safety.
The moral of the story is:
If you're hung like a horse, you don't need a BMW to pick up chicks.

A lawyer married a woman who had previously divorced ten men. On their wedding night she told her new husband. "Please be gentle, I'm still a virgin".
"What", said her puzzled husband, "How can that be, you've been married ten times?"
"Well, Husband One was a Sales Rep, he kept telling me how great I was going to be.
No.2: was in Software Services he was never really sure how it was supposed to function, but he said he'd have a look at it and get back to me.
Husband 3 was from the Field Services: He said everything checked out diagnostically but he couldn't get the system up.
Number four was in Telemarketing; he thought he had the order but he didn't know when he would be able to deliver.
Five was an engineer, he understood the basic process but wanted three years to research, implement and design a new state of the art method.
Six was from Finance and Administration, he thought he knew how but wasn't sure if it was his job or not.
Seven was in Marketing although he had a nice product he was never sure how to position it.
Eight was a Psychologist; All he did was talk about it.
Nine was a Gynecologist; All he did was look at it.
Husband Ten was a Stamp Collector: All he did was...God I miss him. But now I've married you, I'm really excited.
"Good", says her new husband, "But why?"
"You're a lawyer". This time I know I'm gonna get screwed.

Wednesday, 29 August 2007

My Little Charmer!

The house is quiet and I only have Ollie my pet pooch for company. With Alex on holiday in Dorset with his Grandparents I am left to my own devices. I could do anything...go out...get pissed....go out...not get pissed....stay in..get pissed..stay in and stay sober. I've decided to stay in and have ONE glass of wine. Seems to much of a committment anyway and the sofa's really comfortable.

The silence in the house is starting to bother me, when Alex is home its bedlam and then I'm begging for peace. Now I've got it I dont know what to do with it.
In a few days he'll be back telling me how great his holiday was then I can tell him what a mess his room was in. Yes I've decided to clean which is silly really as I could be having some 'me' time.

While I was sifting through the 'stuff' that had been jammed under his bed I came across an old postcard of Amsterdam that I'd sent to him the previous year.
A five day break grown ups only. I'd been having a ball until I phoned home.
Hearing his little voice asking why HE couldnt come broke my heart. So I promised a nice present on my return to make up for it.

For the rest of that day the image of his beautiful face kept coming into my head bringing forth guilt. I felt like a right selfish cow as I blubbed on my brother's shoulder.

When the holiday was over and I'd arrived back at Heathrow, I couldn't wait to see him. Reassure him and all that. To my surprise he'd bought me a pot plant which made me blub (again).
He was pleased with the present I'd searched Amsterdam for and it seemed everything was okay. Till he pushed the boundaries a few hours after arriving home.
I started to wag the finger and launch into my Miss Discipliarian act when he stood up with hands on hips, "You cant tell me off", he says.
"Why?" I said.
Shaking his head in disbelief he sighs, "Cos I bought you a pot plant thats why".
He attempted to use this gift as defence for weeks after, knowing full well I'd buckle. And I did.

Thursday, 23 August 2007

Story: A Day In the Life of a Stressed Mother!

It was the alarm clock's fault, it didn't go off. How the heck was I supposed to know it needed a new battery? I blearily open an eye when next door's dog barks interupting what was a fantastic dream about an ex boyfriend. It was only five fifteen I lay back and tried to immerse back into a blissful state. A few minutes passes and the dog is still yapping and voices can be heard. Once again I'm late, swearing at the clock I rush into Alex's room and whip the duvet off his sleeping form knowing that will get him moving.

There's nothing worse than being late, trying to remember umpteen things to do before you leave the house, knowing you don't have time for a much needed coffee, watch GMTV and criticise the outfit Fiona Phillips wore that morning.
Alex is talking at me I nod not knowing what he's actually on about. When money is mentioned I can suddenly hear and bark 'How Much?' Last minute Louis I call him when he does this. Shoving a tenner at him I curse the school and it's constant need for funding. I'm now in mid whinge and Alex wisely goes and gets ready for school having used up the last of the milk for his Coco Pops.

Arriving at school having followed a Learner driver all the way there I deposit my son in Reception and sign him in as a late arrival. The Receptionist takes in my appearance and smiles. She's noticed my rough appearance and knowing she got up in time and looks amazing I suddenly feel small and inadequate. Kissing my son I throw an evil glare in her direction wishing looks could actually kill.
Now I have to battle the traffic and find a space to park in town.

"You're late", The Doctor's Receptionist states the bleeding obvious as I stand there trying to get my breath back after fast walking from the car park.
I hate it when they say that like I did it on purpose. Mumbling a 'Sorry' I sit down next to an old guy with a hacking cough and instantly regret doing so. Now I've got listen to it and have bits of phelgm coughed over me. The waiting room is full and as usual there's a baby bawling it's head off whose mother makes no attempt to shut it up. Two old dears sitting opposite are discussing their ailments and I listen while pretending to read an ancient copy of People's Friend. I've heard the woman's life history before the doctor comes out announcing my name loudly.
Everyone stops what they're doing to watch as I go to greet the doctor who apologises for the delay. I find this comment amusing as I've been silently cursing him for keeping me waiting and have phelgm spattered on the side of my head courtesy of the man sitting next to me.

Explaining my symptons he's already writing out a prescription. I hate that as I haven't finished telling him of the pain I've suffered and the sympathy I need.
He looks up and suddenley asks a question, my answer leads to the fact I've got to get changed and have my nether regions gawped at.

Standing behind the curtain I realise the pants I'm wearing are my naffest and there's a hole in my socks confirming that I'm not the latest model for Ann Summers.
The door bursts open and it's the receptionist again, I hear them discussing another patient then its silent. They're probably looking at my socks which can be seen from under the curtain. During the examination I study the crack in the wall and suddenley it's all over and I'm sent on my way with prescription in hand to the chemist.

I'm informed by a hatchet faced Pharmacist that there's an hour wait for my medication and it's no use moaning. They're short staffed and she can't do it any quicker. I spot the hacking cough man looking at a display of suppositories and fearing another phelgm explosion leave.
As I wander down the High Street I'm making a mental list in my head of what I need to get and where I'm supposed to be. Running late has messed up my day and my mood is that of a spitting cobra!

The people in front of me suddenley stop having met someone they haven't seen since time began. Too busy reminiscing they fail to notice they've blocked the path and the only way past is to step onto the busy road of which buses and lorries are hurtling past. They don't hear me grumbling about them as I pass so accidentally on purpose I elbow one of them just to make me feel better. The cow doesn't notice so I go on my way cursing her choice of naff trousers.

Vicky is my boss and unbearable to work with. Married to the rich and handsome Howard her life is the complete opposite of mine. She doesn't have to work at all as hubby's got money coming out of his backside of which he talks through much of the time. Jetting of to places such as Cuba and Miami is the norm for them and they still moan about it. I'm grateful for a weekend in Brighton if I get the chance.
As I enter the office she smiles at me. "You look awful", she says and I nod in agreement. The other girls look up from their desks as I hand over the sick note. I'm aware that as soon as I leave they will start discussing me and how my absence has meant they will have to do extra work and they hate me for it. Vicky suggests I go home and take it easy. I feel like a kid as she speaks in a patronising manner nodding in all the right place I bid farewell at the first opportunity. The animated conversation which stopped abruptly on my arrival starts up again as I leave reminding me of a group of bored housewives at a pie bake off.
I really must look for another job!

I've still got twenty minutes before I can collect my prescription so decide to kill some time by window shopping. As I'm standing outside a Boutique admiring a dress I can't afford someone taps me on the shoulder. Turning round I see my ex boyfriend and he's not alone. Next to him stands his new girlfriend looking slim and stunning and giving me a look that could kill. I hate it when a guy does that, the vibes I'm getting from her signal the fact that she's got my man now and not to consider trying to get him back as there will be bloodshed.
Of course he's oblivious to this and starts rambling on about a load of nonsense I couldn't give a stuff about. Watching as his girlfriend clings to his arm possessively it's clear she is threatened by me so I find myself milking the situation for all it's worth.
Suddenly I'm travelling down reminiscent lane with my ex, sharing jokes while she stands there stone faced. After a short while she cannot bear it any longer and is pulling at his arm bleating about some appointment they simply can't miss.
Both she and I are aware of what I'm doing as we catch each others eyes.
Eventually I stop being a bitch and leave knowing full well I've instigated a row between the two. My ex is a plank anyway and deserves the vicious verbal beating she's giving him.

A pushchair is suddenley rammed into the back of my leg and this girl the size of Mount Etna barges past. There's no apology as she's busy yakking on her mobile, it's clear she needs plenty of room as she's casting shadows down the street as she goes. Rubbing my leg I decide it's time to find sanctuary in a shop.

As soon as I enter it's apparent I've made the wrong choice the shop is heaving with customers and dodging them is not improving my mood. A simple question to a staff member results in a blank look and I'm told the item I want is 'over there', pointing to the general direction of the rest of the shop. He's far too busy pricing things to actually show me so off I wander till I find the elusive item.

The queue at the till is long I sigh as I join the end of it. There is only one till being operated by a girl who started there that morning. She looks panic stricken taking an age to scan and pack. The queue of people are getting tetchy having spent hours wandering the aisles like me. Cutting comments are heard up and down the line I feel pity for the girl but change my mind after twenty minutes of waiting. My turn comes placing my item on the counter the girl says theres no bar code on it, I shrug expecting her to sort it as there's no way I'm getting another one. Suddenley she grabs the item and starts waving it in the air calling out for the price. I can hear more huffing and puffing from the queue as everyone now looks at the sanitary towels being waved in the air.
Eventually another staff member ambles over and tell her the price, he's oblivious the the queue and pats a couple of boxes in an attempt to tidy up.
I need a coffee badly and get out as soon as possible.

My stomach is gurgling at me as I stare at the display of waist expanding cakes I know I can't have. Having a stomach bug is inconvenient at any time especially now when I'm in the mood for a chocolate doughnut. I really don't want to barf it up later so settle for a cappuccino instead.
The cafe is busy so standing there sipping my drink I hope someone will take pity and let me share their table. Someone does move eventually but an old lady beats me to it. There's no sign of staff clearing tables and when I manage to get one it's covered in squashed food and spilt drinks left by the previous occupants. As I sit ther finishing what's left of my coffee I'm getting looks from the people at the next table. Now they assume I've made the mess and I'm a dirty cow. The woman is still staring and I feel something has to be said. "Terrible isn't it?", I say pointing at the mess. She doesn't answer turning away with her nose in the air.
Now I hate her and hope the bun she's eating gives her a crippling guts ache.

I still have errands to run with no sign of my Knight in shining armour to help I head out onto the high street again. My head is pounding as I pick up my prescription. It was at this moment I forgot what errands I had to do, with shoulders bowed I decide to head home as I can't take any more wanting duvet land and nice dreams.

There's a crowd round the ticket machine in the car park and a guy who looks like Jerry Springer in a cheap suit is moaning at a Parking Attendant. Something about being three seconds late, his wife is nodding furiously and begins to criticise the local council. All this is falling on deaf ears as the Parking Attendant stopped listening ages ago and has already issued the fine. Obscentities fill the air as I walk towards my car, soon I'll be in the relative safety of my home where no one can hassle me.

There's a problem with the ticket barrier, I have shoved my ticket in the machine but nothing happens. The car behind me toots it's horn as I've deliberatly caused a hold up. Pressing the Assistance button and waiting does nothing. The car toots again so I give him the finger, he gives it back and a row is brewing between us.
"I wanna go home", I wail into the speaker on the machine.
Magically the barrier lifts up I drive through feeling a sense of acheivement.

As soon as I'm out on the road another car cuts me up. That's the problem of driving a small car, getting picked on by other drivers. Buses are the worst, I'm sure they've had special lessons on how to piss people off.

Later after collecting Alex from school I arrive home feeling knackered, so much for rest and relaxation suggested by the spoilt Vicky I feel traumatised.
Defrosting a beef and vegetable stew thinking it nourishing and satisfying only upsets Alex as he wants chips instead. We eat in silence.
I escape to the sanctuary of my bedroom and duvet land trying to block out all thoughts on what was a crap day. Suddenley Alex is calling. "Muum", he yells. I ignore him thinking he'll realise I'm ill and asleep. No chance.
"Muum", he yells louder.
"What", I snap.
"There's no toilet roll".

The End of a Weary Day.
Copyright 2007.

Saturday, 11 August 2007

Active member at

Oh Put It Away!

Why are all male streakers so damn ugly?

It's so unfair! If a fit handsome man decided to run across the football pitch starkers no doubt they'd be a bunch of screaming girls after him desperate for a piece of the action. This never happens as good looking guys don't need to broadcast it to get attention unlike the sad individual here, anyone got a magnifying glass?

Friday, 10 August 2007

He's a Wanker but I Love Him!

With the school summer holiday's in full swing I have become a cash machine, at least that is what my teen son thinks I am. Having peeled a few more notes off the wall so he can go and have fun I am reduced to kicking my heels until he needs Mum's taxi to pick him up again.
I did have plans of my own today mainly sitting home reading a good book enjoying the peace and quiet but this idea went tits up.

Living on a small estate with neighbours close by you can't help but hear the daily goings on around you. Domestic arguments being one. The loved up couple nearby are a constant source of entertainment sharing their objective views on each other with the outside world making them perfect candidates for the Jerry Springer Show. I tend to lay bets on wifey winning and I'm usually right, with a voice that can shatter glass and a face ugly enough to turn milk sour her hubby's pathetic whimpers only fuel the raging inferno that's building up.

It didn't take much to set her off, perhaps forgetting to put the milk back in the fridge did it who knows? The piercing scream of frustration followed by a string of obscenties had the curtain twitchers back at their posts while I fumbled for a pad and pen ready to give her marks out of ten.

"Why are you such a wanker?", she bellows. "Cant you do anything right?"
The words of Judge Judy spring to mind 'You picked him'. I try not to laugh as she pauses for breath obviously recalling past misdemeanours of which she uses as ammunition. This guy doesn't have a chance now as a past affair is bought up and flung in his face.

I can't hear his response as she's drowning him out, but the sound of glass shattering makes the birds stop singing and the curtain twitchers reach for the phone keen to spread the word of marital bliss.
An hour passes and the torrent of abuse continues hubby now somewhat irked has decided to fight back but his defence is weak. His mumblings only make the hole he's digging for himself bigger and I write him off agreeing with wifey that the guy is a wanker after all!

It comes to an end when the Police are called, hubby is cuffed and about to be flung into the van when wifey comes running out in tears, having changed her opinion she now declares her love for him. Now she's the pathetic one I watch shaking my head in disbelief as they walk hand in hand back inside leaving the Police and fellow neighbours somewhat confused.

Later music is blaring from their house and we are all subjected to Cher singing 'If I Could Turn Back Time' on repeat. Obviously they have just the one song to listen to during their making up session so I've compiled a list of other bad songs just to show my pity for them.

Heartbeat by Don Johnson
I'd do Anything for Love (But I wont do that) by Meatloaf
Never Gonna Give You Up by Rick Astley
The Only Thing That Looks Good On Me Is You by Bryan Adams
She Bangs by Ricky Martin
You're The Inspiration by Chicago
You Rock My World by Micheal Jackson
What's Up by 4 Non Blondes
Everybody Have Fun Tonight by Wang Chung
Barbie Girl by Aqua
Smack My Bitch Up by The Prodigy
We Didn't Start The Fire by Billy Joel

Just a few to keep them going, Thank God I'm going out tonight!

Monday, 23 July 2007

Then They Carted Her Off!

"She said she wanted to look young again Mr Police Officer, was tired of the mirror flinching when she looked into it. "No, I don't know why she smeared mud on her face it hasn't made any difference despite the £1.99 she paid."
"What should we do to stop her wailing like that?" The neighbours will be complaining. What's she saying.....I can't understand..Oh I get it, she's upset that's it.
"What do you mean you can't hear her?" "Just wait till she stops swearing ...yeah that's it....."
Muvver looks up at the Police Officer, "You don't get it do you? she snarls at him. "It didn't bloody work".

Thursday, 12 July 2007

What part of NO dont you understand...!?

I got hassled today, which to put it mildly was BLOODY ANNOYING. It wasnt by some juvenile with a greviance against society or some drunk desperate for more booze, it wasnt even by a Jehovah's Witness. No it was a Market Researcher. What is it with people who decide to become market researchers? Do they have nothing better to do than stop strangers in the street and ask dumb questions? Is that job satisfaction to have some person tell you to fuck off, isnt that a clue?

I've tried being polite, tried to ignore them even resorted to swearing but still they come, out in droves they are. Its worse when they're all from the same company, a few are at the top of the street then some more halfway down, then reaching the bottom even more are hanging around in a last attempt to catch you if you've managed to avoid all the others.
Five times today i got caught, all from some crap catalogue company anxious for you to get in debt. Perhaps i should wear a sign round my neck saying "Dont fucking stop me or I will kill you". It may work, who knows?

Sunday, 1 July 2007

The Ex Mother In Law, watch it no cake is safe...

Does my bum look big in this....?

They say some people look like their dogs dont they? This is true i could name a few people except dont relish the idea of getting beat up. Still the picture of this thing is actually my ex mother in law. Delicate creature that she was used to eat all the pies and anything else for that matter. I did like her honestly but did tire of her trying to gnaw at my hands when i came to visit.
Shopping with her was a nightmare, the times she got wedged in doorways doesnt bear thinking about. Still she had her good points you could park the car in the shadow of her arse.

Saturday, 30 June 2007

A Social Alien!

This ban on smoking in public places from July 1st is a good thing. I'm saying that and I smoke. Back in the day of youth i started this habit because all my friends did so i followed peer pressure. Now i must follow it again to quit. Its damn hard to, i've tried those patches back in February, but after two months began smoking again using some silly excuse. The disapointment on my sons face when he saw me smoking really did hit home. Now i am on my last pack and at the time of writing this have no plans to buy more.
I want and must set my son a good example, i do NOT want him to start smoking so i must practice what i preach.
With that said i must mention the dirty looks i get when i have lit up in cafes and parks. If looks could kill i wouldnt have to quit would i?
Anyone reading this i would be grateful for support i know im gonna need it.

Friday, 29 June 2007

I Said I Was Sorry....Okay!

It's supposed to be flaming June, but being England it's done nothing but pee with rain. Umbrella's are out in force and walking down any street you are at risk of getting poked in the eye by someone with a huge umbrella. That person is me, unable to find a normal size umbrella anywhere in the house I had no choice but to use this one. I did apologise to the man who's eye I nearly took out but it was his fault, he shouldn't have looked up at that moment! I know I shouldn't have laughed either but i couldnt help it, the expression on his face at the time would make anyone laugh and it WAS only a small scratch. Try giving birth mate, now THAT is pain!

Wednesday, 20 June 2007

Had a bloody car crash this morning. Hit a car up the arse. The fella got out and he was a dwarf and he said "I'm not happy". I said "Which one are you then?"

The thing about become a hedge mumper!

I do like camping...or at least i did. It must be an age thing as roughing it just isnt me anymore. Staying in Alisons garden in our tent to begin with was an exciting adventure, we could hear the chickens in their coop nearby, birds singing and the wind rustling the leaves in the trees.
As darkness fell, Alison pointed out bats flying above our heads, next doors dog barked almost constantly and it then started to pour with rain.
Tucking ourselves into sleeping bags i realised we'd picked the lumpiest patch of garden in which to pitch the tent.
No one could find the torch and wanting to use the loo in the middle of the night is not funny when you've no loo roll, i hate drip dry!
Of course Gary and Alex fell asleep so listening to their snoring and that damn barking dog meant i didnt sleep. The rain hitting the tent sounded like someone drumming all night and come morning i looked and felt like shit.
My hair had a personality of its own and the bright red nose i always have when camping resembled Rudolph, i'm getting fed up of looking like i've been sleeping in a hedge. It wont be long before someone sees me in the street takes pity and gives me money thinking i'm homeless.
Give me a hotel with comfy bed and maid service please!!

Gary trying to recapture his childhood!

Monday, 18 June 2007

Country living is chicken shit!

Alison and Al our friends live near Newquay, at the end of our caravan holiday we stayed with them camping in their gorgeous garden.

Alison keeps chickens and grows her own vegetables all very organic.

Alex spent hours in the chicken shed loving every moment until one particular chicken shat on him. Gary said he'd sort it all out by that i assumed he'd clean the poo off Alex's shoulders as a chicken had been sitting there quite happily before following through.

There's me thinking problem sorted, i mean wiping up poo is quite simple. Of course chicken shit really hums one whiff had Gary heaving leaving him basically helpless, Alex is flapping (scuse the pun) as he feels uncomfortable. Alison deals with the problem within seconds i'm now on the floor laughing as Gary has gone pale and quiet highlighting the fact he's not one to turn to in a crisis. Welcome to country living!

Three go Mad in Cornwall!

Visiting Boscastle was next on our list. Small and charming this village suffered terribly back in August 2004 due to a flood. On many of the shops you can see markers of where the water rose up to, going way over our heads it was clear much damage had been done.

Gary and I knew what to expect when we came across the Witchcraft Museum so it was Alex who was sent in to see for himself. Twenty minutes later he came out declaring it odd as it was full of shrunken heads and stuffed cats. The shock of this called for icecream and cappuccino as nerves had to be calmed!

The legend of King Arthur is a huge selling point when it comes to visiting the various gift shops

i've never seen so many things to buy all on the back of an ancient knight.

Tintagel nearby is the same, stories of old bring in the tourists, thought it a bit much charging an entry fee to see the castle when in fact if you look up you can see it anyway. But thats me being a tight cow. As usual I acted the typical tourist clicking away at everything, Cornwall is so pretty i just cant help it so sod it.

Three go Mad in Cornwall

Forgot to pack any wellies thinking it would be glorious sunshine (bloody lying weather forecasters!)thought i'd get a great tan to show off. Instead the whole week it rained allowing the sun to shine only briefly. It didnt dampen our spirits as living in England you get used to it. We headed to the beach at Rock where across the bay you can see Padstow.

Rick Stein the TV chef owns most of this village and locally its known as Padstein. His chippy is amazing and every time i visit this area its one place i have to go as fresh cod and chips cooked in beef dripping is mouth watering.

Alex has seen a lot of Cornwall and loves the beaches, have to mention Sennen Cove which is perfect for rock pools and crabbing. Anyway Rock beach is great for taking photos very scenic, think Alex got a bit tired of me snapping away. Putting his hand up saying 'No pictures' he sounded like a tired celebrity bless him! Still it didnt stop me, since i invested in a digital camera might as well use it!?

Three Go Mad in Cornwall!

St. Minver church is right next to the park surrounded by chocolate box cottages of which i would love to live in. Apparently Robbie Williams and Hugh Grant have places nearby but we didnt get an invite so consoled ourselves in wandering round the graveyard.

Holiday in Cornwall continues....

Discovering the amusement arcade meant Alex spent his daily allowance in about ten minutes. He won fifteen pounds and my advice to save it for something else was ignored so consequently it was poured back into another machine. Told to stop fussing and ruining his enjoyment i played pool with Gary letting him beat me (!). He'd driven over 200 miles that day and i had to show some gratitude didnt i ?